Tuesday, June 19, 2007


A few days ago we saw a mamma duck with her chicks crossing the road. The chicks were having a hard time getting up over the curb. We saw them on Highway 259, so there were a lot of cars. Once the chicks got over the curb, they were all walking together. Half of the chicks were black and yellow, and the rest were just yellow. The mamma duck kept talking to the chicks to get them to follow her. Whenever the mamma duck walked, her head moved back and forth. They went into an alley that was between a church and a tire place. I hope they found a pond to swim in!


Windy Smith said...

That is cool! Was there a duck crossing sign? If not maybe you should call your city counsel and recommend that they look into that just in case that should happen again. Next time I see you I want you to show me how the mamma duck moved her head!

Unknown said...

What a great story...I love seeing the babies following the mother! Keep posting Cole! Your sories are great!

Mike said...

WOW! Look at all the extra ducks we'll have for duck season this year. Hahahahaha