Thursday, March 8, 2007

100 Is Easy!

100 is easy (at least for me.) Do not go crazy, when you learn to read. So tackle the TAKS test, I heard them say. So I made a 100 that very day! No matter what grade you're in-8th, 6th or 3rd try to be commended, that's the best word.

I wrote this poem to let readers know I'm going to the 4th grade!


Melissa said...

What? 4th grade? That's nuts!!! I can't believe you got a 100 on that test! I never did well on those standardized tests....that's the coolest thing I've ever heard! I'm so proud of you, Cole! Watch out 4th grade, Cole Newton is coming!!!!

Mike said...

Cole made a hundred, that very day.
That's the best score I've heard anyone say.
He must be smart,
He must be cool,
He must be a genius,
He must take after me.
Cole is the best. Let's give him a wave.

Windy Smith said...

That is AWESOME!!!! What is your next step....College?